Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014

Braunlage - Skiing or slide are regular activities for traveler in snow mountains. But in Germany, get ready to see the World Championship competition, aka the Naked Sledding in the snow slide bare naked!

Perhaps, this is the most crazy competition in Germany. is Naked Sledding World Championship, which will take place in February 2014. Men and women will skate naked in the snow.

Reported from the Daily Mail, Friday (01/17/2013) Naked Sledding World Championship will take place on 15 to 16 February 2014 in the Harz Mountains, City Braunlage. This year, the competition enters the fifth time and predicted would steal the attention of a world traveler.

In the last 2012, Naked Sledding World Championship followed by 30 participants from 5,000 participants who register. The tourists who come to the Harz Mountains when it was 25,000!

Naked Sledding path length at the World Championship is 90 meters. Participants should wear surfboards, helmets, shoes, and pants. In addition, they should also be entertaining the audience. Not only that, they are also full body strokes to write the name and number of participants.
"This is not a competition for a shy person," spokesman based in the UK and so the committee Naked Sledding World Championship.

This year, a prize of 1,000 euros, or about USD 1400 will be provided for participants, both male and female categories. Of course, they have to glide quickly and not fall.

For this year, expected to more tourists who come to see the Naked Sledding World Championship. Although cold, the tourists seem to ignore it and dissolve in the fun show.

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