Kamis, 23 Januari 2014

Bratislava - There is a strange sight that you can see in the City of Bratislava, Slovakia. There are 'Bridge UFO' and divides the river. As the name implies, at the top of this bridge looks like there's a undivided flying object.
Traveler who came to Slovakia, usually take a time to come to the City of Bratislava. This is where there is the famous bridge which was originally named Novy Most or better known as UFO Bridge.

Reported from the Visit Bratislava site on Wednesday (01/22/2014) Novy Most completed in 1972. This bridge had a length of 431 meters and width of 21 meters. This bridge across the Danube River and is always well-traveled vehicle.

At first glance, there is nothing strange from Novy Most. However, look at to the top of the bridge. Do not be surprised, there is a 'UFO' in there!

The shape is similar to a UFO that you usually see on TV, which is shaped like a flying disc. Especially at

But apparently, 'UFO' is actually a restaurant building. UFO Restaurant named restaurant that has been around since the bridge was built and was deliberately made to entice tourists.

The restaurant is located at an altitude of 80 meters. At the top, there is also a bar and a deck with a height of 95 meters. UFO restaurant provides lunch menu with a la carte three stages starting at 30 Euros, or about 40 dollars and dinner menu with seven stages of the price of 70 euros, or about 94 dollars.

While eating the meal, you can see the beautiful city of Bratislava from a height. If you do not want to eat, no problem. It also provides a ticket for tourists who just want to come to the deck.

Tiketnya sebesar 6 Euro atau sekitar 8 Dolar bagi orang dewasa dan 3 Euro atau sekitar 4 Dollar bagi anak-anak dan manula di atas usia 65 tahun ke atas. Tur ke atas UFO tersebut berlangsung tiap hari dari pukul 10.00-22.00 waktu setempat, kecuali hari Sabtu yang bukanya mulai pukul 11.00 waktu setempat.

Although only a restaurant, a UFO above the bridge is able to make anyone shocked when he first saw it. Including you.
night, the bright light out of it. This is the reason Novy Most also called by the name UFO Bridge.
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